On the helicopter were Bishop, Mike Walter and Jung Park. When things faded back in, Bishop was heading into Las Vegas on the 2nd of July 2010 at 1827hrs for Operation: Old Vegas. Logan defused it, and we fought off another wave of tangos, completing the prologue… We fought our way through the facility, making our way to a bomb. The negotiator was killed, but the hostages ran in the confusion. The negotiator held his own against the terrorist leader, but the strain was too much for Gabriel as he opened fire. Reaching where the hostages were being held, we were under orders to wait for Alpha Team to get into position. We rappelled down into an office - or more correctly, one of my teammates did while the other remained outside the window, and I couldn’t find where my rappel point was until after the tangos were dead… We worked our way through the building, reaching a point where we had to climb up ropes and I accidentally shot Alpha Team through the window. Things were going well, except for the grenade I accidentally threw, yet apparently drew no attention. Back outside we killed two more tangos, then went back inside to kill another two. I led a team beneath the gantry that the negotiator was on, and we quietly made our way through the building. I had arrived just as the negotiator was set to head inside. They’re required to lead Bravo Team, made up of Gabriel Nowak and Logan Keller, into position to rescue some hostages. It’s 2005, and Bishop arrives at the Píc des Pyreneés observatory in France. This time I begin Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2. This is my ongoing exploration of Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six series, played in release order, where I will chronicle my playthrough like a text-based Let’s Play. That’s not made clear by the game, though, I just assumed it was for multiplayer only, and that Ubisoft had coincidentally made Bishop a woman.

In fact, you control a customisable character, Bishop, who is either male or female depending on what you choose when you load up the game for the first time. As a result, you don’t control Logan Keller this time. Much like the PSP version of Vegas, the story apparently runs concurrently and after the first game. Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 is the 2008 follow up to Rainbow Six Vegas. If that turns out to be incorrect, of course I’ll write a diary about it! That means it will be playable in single-player, but it won’t have a storyline to follow. I’m writing this post-E3 2021, so we’ve seen that Rainbow Six Extraction (formerly Rainbow Six Quarantine) is going to be a service game. Here it is, the final single-player Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six title. Articles // 10th Jul 2021 - 4 months ago // By Andrew Duncan Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 Diaries Part One